Mor Harlech News

Our cats and kittens, day to day Nos chats et chatons, au jour le jour

Friday, July 07, 2006

Tora's Progress/Progrès de Tora

He's much better! We've just been to the vet's to have the drain removed, and he looks to be healing very well. He's such a darling this cat - as chatty and cuddly as ever, and very co-operative; both with the vet, and with me, when I give him his antibiotics, morning and evening.
The only thing he doesn't like is not being able to rub his head against me because of the collar. That has to stay till the stitches come out next Friday, as we can't risk his getting a claw caught in them when scratching!

Notre garçon va beaucoup mieux! Nous revenons de chez le vétérinaire, où on a enlevé le drain, et ça a l'air de bien se guérir. On enlèvera vendredi prochain les points de suture. Il devra donc garder la collerette, pour pas qu'il se gratte et risque de prendre une griffe dans les points.
Pour le reste, il est adorable; il cause, ronronne, demande des câlins, et se laisse gentiment soigner, soit par le vétérinaire, soit par moi quand je lui donne ses antibiotiques, matin et soir. Un trésor, mon Tora!


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