Mor Harlech News

Our cats and kittens, day to day Nos chats et chatons, au jour le jour

Friday, March 30, 2007


The kitten is holding his own, though he has a worrying problem of elimination. I am treating him as the vet advised, and just keeping my fingers crossed. He's such a dear little thing, so lively, and he deserves to make it. As you can see, I have given him a surrogate sibling, so he has something to cuddle up to when his flighty mum is out of the nest!

Le chaton tient le coup pour l'instant, malgré un problème préoccupant d'élimination. Je le soigne d'après les consignes de son vétérinaire - et je tiens les pouces. C'est un petit trésor, très vif, et il mérite de s'en sortir. Comme vous pouvez le constater, je lui ai donné un "frère" pour lui tenir compagnie pendant les longs moments où sa frivole maman est hors du nid!



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