Mor Harlech News

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Monday, June 12, 2006

Thionville (F) 11.06.06

Very successful show in Thionville yesterday: Tora got BIV and Nomination - the judge was really impressed. She said his ears were perfect, and he was the most beautiful Fold she had seen! Audrey got her 3rd CAC and is now a Champion. Our new baby, Branwen, got Excellent 1, BIV and Nomination - a very promising start for an adorable little girl, whô settled in with us as if she had been with us since birth!

Très bonne expo pour nous: Tora a eu son 2ème CACIB avec BIV et Nomination - la juge l'a trouvé magnifique! Audrey a eu son 3ème CAC; elle est donc Championne. Quant à notre nouveau bébé, l'adorable Branwen, elle a fait un début très prometteur, avec Ex 1, BIV et Nomination! Elle est déjà chez elle, pas de complexes, affectueuse, ronronante - un amour!


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